Family & Friends - They win YOU WIN!

Family & Friends

Get hundreds of extra chances to claim "FREE Cash" every day!

They win YOU WIN!

Daily Draw winners from the last 14 days

  • ZANLILOREN Yesterday
  • FRILLYTIL… 25th Jul 2024
  • LIAMKBALL… 23rd Jul 2024
  • LOOB2011 23rd Jul 2024
  • LEANNEJAD… 23rd Jul 2024
  • LUCEEEYMA… 23rd Jul 2024
  • TYLERJAY 22nd Jul 2024
  • BEANSTER1… 22nd Jul 2024
  • KINGFISHA 21st Jul 2024
  • PATSY1796 21st Jul 2024
  • LAUREN123 16th Jul 2024
  • LAKERRAWN 16th Jul 2024
  • ZAZAZAZA 15th Jul 2024
  • ZIWUE1601 15th Jul 2024

How do I WIN extra FREE Cash?

Each time one of your referrals claims "FREE Cash" in our "Daily Draw" you WIN! Simply "Check for Winners" on your "Friends & Family" page to see if any of your referrals have claimed "FREE Cash" in the "Daily Draw". If they have claimed you will be eligible to claim the same amount of "FREE Cash".

You need to be a member and signed into your account.

Join FREE   Sign-in

How much do I WIN?

You WIN the same amount of "FREE Cash" as your referral. If one of your referral’s claims £5 you can WIN £5 "FREE Cash" or if one of your referral’s claims £1000 you can WIN £1000 "FREE Cash".

How many people can I invite?

You can invite as many people as you like. The more people you invite, the greater your chances are of winning regularly. If you invite 20 people to "Join FREE" then you will have 20 extra chances every day to win "FREE Cash".

Join NOW - Get Started

EXTRA Benefits!

You will receive:-

  • £1 "Bonus Cash" for each new referral.
  • 3 "FCL Credits" for each new referral.

The referrals email address must be validated.

PLAY NOW - Join FREE! Sign-in

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